Cattani Turbo SMART Suction

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Cattani Turbo SMART Suction

Turbo SMART isn’t like other suction systems: it varies its speed according to your surgery requirements. Turbo SMARTS motor adapts to provide you with consistent high airflow and vacuum, regardless of whether other surgeries are using the suction unit, therefore guaranteeing no more loss of power.

The latest variable speed suction means:

• More consistent suction
• Less heat output
• Less load strain on motors
• Soft-starting of motors
• Higher efficiency

There are two models of Turbo SMART available;
Turbo SMART A for 2 surgeries (max speed 4800 rpm)
Turbo SMART B for 3-4 surgeries (max speed 6200 rpm)

Both machines have the same hardware, the only difference between the A and B is their maximum speed. As your surgery expands, you can upgrade your Turbo SMART A to a Turbo SMART B by simply purchasing a password from East Coast Dental Services.

All Cattani suction units are manufactured in Parma, Italy and all come with a comprehensive 3-year warranty.